Bracchetti, D’Ignazio & Associates is a firm networked with the
Mr Roberto Bracchetti, in order to allow his professional organisation to provide its clients with a panoply of services that, by their specialised nature, require a wide-ranging, yet complex and intricate structure, joined forces with Luigi Guatri, Victor Uckman, and Piero Gnudi, along with other professionals, to be an advocate for the ACBGroup S.p.A. professional network, comprising first-tier professional firms with a presence throughout Italy.
Through its own centralised, autonomous structure, ACBGroup S.p.A. is able to combine, thanks to a great amount of synergy, the professional expertise of company consultants, university instructors, industry experts, with the consolidated experience of its networked firms. It can therefore offer – in addition to a presence throughout Italy – a specialised skill set, as well as continual research and development in all areas of interest for the firm’s business clients.
ACBGroup S.p.A., by fulfilling those needs for synergy and specialised knowledge requested by the numerous, and highly sophisticated clients from its in-network firms, has assisted that client base in carrying out and finalising professional appointments and consulting on a variety of sectors including:
- Assistance with initial public offerings and public trading;
- Corporate Finance Projects;
- Support in corporate group acquisition;
- Company and/or corporate group appraisals;
- Management internal-control projects;
- Organisational analyses;
- Operational reorganisation and financial restructuring;
- Consulting and support in privatisation procedures;
- Corporate finance in merger projects;
- Consulting in organisational analysis for Banking groups;
- Project Management for cadastral registration of real estate for subsequent conveyance.
- Consulting on an industrial plan for management buy-out. MBO
- Etc.